Over the last three years, we’ve had the pleasure of getting to know Mark Sossa of Well Pleased Audio Vida. At AXPONA, his listening room was right next to our sleeping room, and he was the first person we saw as we unloaded our bags.
We noticed immediately that Mark seemed a bit frazzled, and he said to us, “I’ve bitten off more than I can chew. ” As we roamed around the hotel saying hello to folks during set up, we heard this phrase repeated often, and many, many rooms didn’t come together until well after the show officially opened. AXPONA has become so big and so important to the audio industry that everyone feels like they have to show nearly everything they carry.
We understand the pressure is real. And, while AXPONA had good crowds on Friday and Saturday, the snow on Sunday certainly impacted attendance. It was good for the press, however, as we got to get in to listen and take pictures.
Well Pleased AV Product Line
Mark got it all worked out though, and we had a chance to spend some quality time visiting and listening. Mark and Jacob George of Rethm were managing the room. In the room were George’s Rethm Maarga v2 Loudspeakers at $9,750, Audio Hungary‘s Qualiton A20i SE Integrated Amplifier at $4,999, Aqua Acoustic Quality Formula xHD D/A at $17,000, and an Innuos Zenith MkIII Music Server at $4,250. Everything was plugged into a GigaWatt PC-4 Power Conditioner at $10,000. The cables were the Diamond Reference Plus from Swisscables and the equipment was sitting on SGR Hifi Racks.

The big story in this room was the debut of George’s Rethm Maarga v2 loudspeakers. The updated Maarga now has a new routed horn-loaded labyrinth. This includes larger dual-side ports and a redesigned Whizzer-cone (George has been perfecting the Whizzer for years).
The finish was impeccable, and the appearance was updated. It is a beautiful black lacquered and gun-metal grey finish. These were by far and away the best-looking Rethm speakers I have seen.

I never miss listening to the Rethm speakers at any show. Their new Maarga v2 Loudspeakers for only $9,750 are the first that I have ever asked to review or thought that I might like to own. Their tone and transparency blended beautifully with the bass, and the imaging and soundstage were believable and lifelike.
The system that Mark put together in this room defies that he has been in the audio biz such a short time. And, every single room that we went into that had his gear sounded exceptional. Congratulations, Mark!