As I said in my first of these AXPONA 2019 awards posts, I’m doing these awards a little differently this time around. Pardon me for getting off topic for just a minute, but as I look at the names I’ve chosen for the awards below, I’m reminded of a time when our sons were little and Becky and I took them to see a potter who was making a piece of pottery. One of the boys asked him what he was making, and the old gentleman replied, “I names ’em when I’ve made ’em.”
So, I might rightly be accused of naming these awards as I am giving them out. Maybe so, but I humbly beg your indulgence. For me, these AXPONA exhibitors represent the cream of the crop from the show, and I’m happy to sincerely acknowledge their success.
Volti, Triode and BorderPatrol – Best System With A Digital Source Under $20,000 (way under!)

Again this year, Volti, Triode and BorderPatrol put together a really musical-sounding system. It simply amazes me that you can get a system to sound this good with a source that is priced under $2,000. I was so impressed with the little Border Patrol DAC when I reviewed it that I purchased it.
A few days ago, I summarized this room in a separate post by saying, “It was emotionally involving and drew me deep into the performance. The soundstage was also very big. I only wish there had been time to listen a little longer. ” You can read that entire post here.
VAC Statement 450i iQ Integrated Amp – Most Desirable Product

On the left of this picture is the vinyl source, and on the right is the digital source. The star of the system is the beautiful VAC Statement 450i iQ Integrated Amplifier, positioned between the two sources. What was interesting to me was that there were more people talking about it at AXPONA than there were at RMAF where it debuted last year. In my opinion, it’s the most beautiful piece of audio electronics ever.
Kevin Hayes, owner and chief designer at VAC/Valve Amplification Company worked on this product for many years and it is also the most well thought out audio product I have ever seen.
Kevin says one of the secrets of this amp’s performance is the vertical layout that allows its form to follow its function. This was done with optimal placement of circuit elements for the purest, most direct routing of signals. Regardless, this is one incredible-sounding amp, preamp and phono preamp all in a stunningly beautiful package.
Magnepan LRS – Best Budget Product (maybe in the history of audio)

Wendell Diller of Magnepan debuted their Little Ribbon Speaker, and it was the undisputed most exciting product at the show. Click here to read my post, “The Most Exciting Speakers at AXPONA!” One thing that certainly makes them the most exciting is that they cost about $650 for the pair.
While they are smaller than the original Maggies, they certainly don’t sound small. In fact, think huge, beautiful tonality and fast without ever sounding the least bit etched or bright. They also played really loud without a hint of sounding strained. And, no, they really aren’t your father’s Magnepans, but you will notice some family traits.