I walked into Vinnie Rossi’s listening room at AXPONA, and he greeted me like a proud father. He was introducing me to his new baby, the Stiletto 15 loudspeakers. AXPONA was their debut. And, while they look a little different, the sound was impressive. I wanted to hear more, so I made an appointment for after hours listening. You may have seen the pictures in our Speaker Eye Candy post here.
Listening to the Stiletto 15 loudspeakers later that night, they impressed me with their ability to get out of the way so I could concentrate on the performance. They delivered beautiful music from the top-end to deep bass. And the bass was very deep but natural. The Stiletto 15 loudspeakers imaged like a great mini-monitor and disappeared like one as well.

The rest of the system was the Vinnie Rossi L2 Preamplifier and L2 Monoblock amplifier. Cables were by Triode Wire Labs.
Congratulations, Vinnie on your first speaker! It’s hard to imagine how you can up the ante without them becoming a much more expensive.
Oh, by the way readers, I’m also excited that I will have a pair of the L2 Monoblocks in my system to review soon!