Last year, Volti Audio, BorderPatrol, and Triode Wire Labs put together a room for AXPONA 2018 that won the Beatnik Award for the best system under $50,000. This year, they upped their game. The minute I sat down in this room and began to listen, I knew it was the best I had heard from a digital system at this show.
Volti Audio
Volti Audio now offers their wonderful sounding 100dB efficient Rival loudspeakers in two cabinet styles. In their listening room, they were playing Rival speakers in the brand new Type II cabinet style that allows for a recessed grill, which gives them an even more nostalgic look.
Both cabinet versions start at just $9,400 for a pair, but the ones they were showing included a special walnut veneer with an external crossover and Triode Wire Labs internal wiring. This brought the price up to a total of $16,200.
BorderPatrol also upped their game from last year by using their top-of-the-line, dual mono P20 EXS power amplifier with optional volume control and Living Voice 300B tubes. The P20 EXS delivers sleek looks and wonderful sound. With it, you get 20 watts per channel of beautiful 300B sound. The total for all this 300B sound is $31,400.

They were also using their Control Unit EXD preamp that sells for $9,750, and the source for the room was an Innuos ZENith Music Serverand their BorderPatrol DAC that sells for $1,350.
In one room, I mentioned to another manufacturer that I use this same BorderPatrol DAC, and in a somewhat condescending way he said, “Oh the DAC for vinyl lovers.” Well, he may have meant that as a put-down, but for me, I freely admit to being a vinyl lover, and he’s right, this is the DAC for me.
Triode Wire Labs
The system sounded great with Triode Wire Labs cables, which are reasonably priced with the power cables starting at $499 each, speaker cables are $1,099 per set and the interconnects start at just $399. So, this year’s system for this room comes in at a little over $60,000.
Have Fun!
There was a sign in this room that said, “Have Fun!” Well, this room was fun. It was emotionally involving and drew me deep into the performance. The soundstage was also very big. I only wish there had been time to listen a little longer.