Show after show, Gary Dews of BorderPatrol and Greg Roberts of Volti Audio combine their products to produce some of the best sound at an audio show. They had two rooms at the Capital Audiofest this year, but since I hadn’t heard them in a while, I spent my time in the room with the big and beautiful Volti Vittora loudspeakers ($25,000).

The system consisted of a BorderPatrol SE-i USB DAC ($1,350). I reviewed and own this great little DAC. The amp was a BorderPatrol S20 EXD ($19,500). They were also using the BorderPatrol DAC with an Innuos ZENith music server (1TB, $4,249) and the Innuos Phoenix USB Reclocker ($3,149). Triode Wire Labs provided all of the cables.

My memories about the Volti Vittoras were confirmed. These speakers are incredibly fun to listen to. This system simply made recorded music come to life in an involving and immersive way that was a joy to hear.
Note: We would like to extend a very special thank you to Paul Elliott who provided us with photos of this room as Jack’s camera was not cooperating at this show.