This post wraps up my look at the best sounding rooms at this show. I hope our coverage has encouraged you to think about putting this show on your calendar for next year whether you are an attendee or an exhibitor. We would love to see you there!
Audio Note UK / True Sound

How much better can a room at an audio show be? This room had two of the most knowledgeable people in audio, great sound, and great tunes. I expect you know of Peter Qvortrupm of Audio Note UK and Nick Gowan of True Sound in Campbell, California. Peter and Nick are so different. Nick is quiet and soft-spoken, and Peter is just bigger than life, but they have both forgotten more about audio than most of us will ever know.
Everything in this system was from Audio Note UK. The speakers were the AN-E SPE HEs in Indian Rosewood. They were being powered by the Meishu Tonemaster integrated amp. The digital source was the CDP3.1X/2 CD Player. The analog source was the TT3 turntable with PU2 power supply. The cartridge was the biggest surprise at the show to me. It was the IQ3 moving magnet cartridge. I have never heard a moving magnet cartridge that was one-tenth as good as this one sounded. Of course, all the cables were from Audio Note.
This was my favorite room to go back and relax, listen to great tunes, and have or hear interesting conversations. I could live with this system forever. It was just so darn musical!
Wyred 4 Sound

This was the second time for me to hear the Wyred for Sound W4S Tempus speakers. I was very impressed the first time I heard them, and nothing changed at this show. I simply like their big tone and timbre.
They were driven by the W4S ST 750LE stereo amp matched with the brand new W4S Aura preamp. The source was the W4S MS-13 server with their HCBS and the new USB Reclocker.
The sound in this room was full range with excellent detail and definition. It was also rich and powerful with a wide and deep soundstage. Overall it was a very good sounding system.
Selah / Musica Pristina / Benchmark

The beautiful looking and sounding Selah Audio Cali4 floor-standing speakers ($6,995) debuted at this show. The amp was the Benchmark Media AHB2 ($2,999) and the source was the Musica Pristina A Capella III Music Server ($3,995) with their Virtuoso PCM DAC ($5,995).
This system would start at $20,000 depending on how you configured the digital pieces.