I reviewed the DAC DAC 2 back in January and my only disappointment was that I couldn’t use it with the Innuous ZENMINI MK2 Music Server. So, Tommy O’Brien, who owns the Digital Amplifier Company, sent me their Cherry USB to SPDIF Converter so that I could use the DAC DAC 2 with the Innuos ZENMINI MK2.
The Cherry converter can be used to drive any DAC with a coax SPDIF input, and it has the same footprint as their DACs, but it isn’t quite as tall. It is absolutely a plug-and-play USB device, that operates up to 384kHz and with up to
About the Sound
Before I go any further, I should probably say a couple of things. First, the
Yes, I have heard the more expensive Innuos models at shows, and they sounded very good in the systems they were in. I’m sure they are better than the ZENMINI MK2, but to this point the MK2 is the best that I have had in my system.
The combo of these little boxes was ever so musical. The sound was more organic than it had been when I was using the 47 Labs transport. At the same time, I could hear the details of a recording more easily. It also had considerably better silence and air, a very special way with space and a much more holistic soundstage.
As impressive as the dynamics and scale were with the 47 Labs transport, they were significantly improved with the MK2. The top end had more sparkle and stringed instruments sounded more alive. The warmth and individual qualities of violins, for example were simply beautiful.
The combination the ZENMini MK2 or even the new MK3 with the Cherry USB to SPDIF Converter costs considerably less than any transport that I know of, and the sound is better to boot. This combo let me hear just how great the DAC DAC 2 is capable of sounding.
The price drop to $1,090 for the DAC DAC 2 makes it to one of the best bargains in audio that I know of, and I recommend it very highly. The Cherry USB to SPDIF Converter sells for $390, and it was magnitudes better than the older Lindermann converter that I used for comparison.
I also used the Cherry USB to SPDIF Converter with my BorderPatrol DAC SE, which has its own USB input. To my surprise, I preferred the Cherry converter to the built-in USB port. It wasn’t a huge difference, but the soundstage seemed wider and more spacious with the Cherry converter.