After living with the ElectroStatic Solutions’ QUAD ESL 57s for three months, I wanted to wrap up my thoughts on them in this Part 3 post. My writing style is going to be a little different as I’m going to give you a little text and then use a couple of lists to summarize my thoughts. So, let’s get started.
Who the QUAD ESLs Are Not For
These speakers are not for everyone. I will be the first to tell you that. If you frequently listen with other people, they probably aren’t for you. When Becky wants to listen with me, I give her the prime seat. Kent McCollum has done an outstanding job with these QUADs, but there is nothing you can do about the fact that they have a very small sweet spot. I think this is the main reason Robin Wyatt refers to them as the world’s larget headphones.
The QUADs are also probably not for you if you have to have bass in the low 30s or deeper. For one thing, they don’t play that low. Having said this I find them to have the most satisfying and lifelike bass I have ever heard. If you haven’t heard a pipe organ on a pair of QUAD ESL 57s you don’t know how lifelike a recorded pipe organ can sound.
The QUADs are also not for people who aren’t willing to get an amp that brings them to life. I’ve used four amps with the QUADs in my system. All four are not only good but great amps, but the QUADs only worked for me with two of them. Neither the Pass Labs XA30.8 or the First Watt SIT3 have enough power to show what QUADs can really sound like.
The two amps that made the QUADs really sing were the PureAudio ONE Integrated (reviewed here) and the Butler A100 MONAD Monoblocks (reviewed here). Both of these amps are pure Class A with 100-watts per channel. With either of these amps and especially with the monoblocks, you can hear what QUAD 57s are known for.

What I Love About These QUAD ESLs
- They are still the most transparent and fastest speakers that I have ever heard.
- Even with all that speed and transparency, they have wonderfully rich tones and harmonics.
- They produce the most realistic soundstage I have ever heard.
- They aren’t restricted to amps with a maximum of 25-watts. I found they sounded best in my room with the Butler Audio or PureAudio 100-watt, Class A amps.
- With the right amp, they cause almost no listener fatigue.

Three Ways of Looking At These QUAD ESLs
- They are by far and away the best $6,000 speaker ever, but you have to be willing to spend $10,000 or more to hear what they can really do.
- Pair them with the PureAudio One Integrated, and they are the second-best speakers I have heard in my home. They cost only $16,000 for speakers, amp and preamp.
- Pair them with the BK Butler MONAD A100 monoblocks, and for $25,000 you have the best speakers I have ever heard in my home for any price.

Wrapping It All Up
In May I’ll be 66, and statistically, I should live another 13 years, but I hope for a few more. My financial advisor who is a close friend keeps reminding me of this. So, I’m planning to fill those years with Becky, my family, my faith and other things I love. I do love music, so I’ve decided to put together a system that I can listen to and just relax and enjoy the music I love. This is not the same as a reference system for reviewing.
I know that I have settled on the first three parts of that system. The speakers are these wonderfully musical QUADs. The amps are the BK Butler MONAD 100A monoblocks, and the preamp is the Linear Tube Audio MicroZOTL MZ3 preamp.
As Macular Degeneration continues to take my sight, I’m trying to decide what my source or sources will be, but the speakers and amplification are done, and I couldn’t be happier! I recommend these ElectrostaticSolution QUAD ESLs to all who love music!
Jack: You always write from the heart, but this review takes it to a new level. So sorry to hear of your medical issues – so happy you have found some audio nirvana!
Wishing you all the best and looking forward to many more years of engaging reviews.
Thank you for your comment. I hope to be able to review for a long time to come.
Jack I have always respected your insights into audio and without a doubt you have shaped my purchase decisions in regards to the “hi end” for many years. I want to thank you for all the service you have done for the audiophile community. I still remember you responding to me, “hey just buy the Pass 30.8”. You were right!
Wishing you and Becky much love and kindness
PS Do you still love the LTA preamp?
Thanks, Charlie. And, yes, the LTA preamp is my reference in my system. Thanks for your message.
Out of University, 41 years ago, I did not buy a car. Instead, I bought a pait of Quad ESL 57. My only regret is to have sold the pair when we started to have children my wife and I.
Now , new in retirement, I would love to find a pair of Quad ESL 57 !
They are the best with choral works, like Bach cantatas.
Georges from Montréal.
George, that sounds like our story. Kids did get somewhat in the way of audio for a few years. If you are interested in a pair of Quads, I’d recommend getting in touch with Electrostatic Solutions. Jack got his from there. Here’s the story: https://theaudiobeatnik.com/electrostatic-solutions-original-quad-esl-loudspeakers-introduction/
Thanks Becky. Good Idea.
Life goes fast hey !
I’m also 66 YO and named Jack! Small world. I found your articles on the Quad ESL57 well thought out and enlightening. Quads were my favorite speakers many years ago but I didn’t give them much thought. My room is 13 by 17 feet and I’m using a Prima Luna HP integrated. My other equipment is solid. Do you see the room and amp as a fit? I had written off the Quads until I read your article. Thanks and enjoy your “new” speakers!
Jack, the room should be no problem as long as the speakers can come far enough out from the rear walls (at least 60 inches) and about 4 to 6 inches from the side walls. I’d toe them in to point right outside your shoulders. You will have to play around with them.
As for the amp, I’ve never heard it but after looking at specifications I would think it would work just fine.
Nice to meet another Jack virtually!
Thanks Becky. Entrance door is about three feet in, so that’s the space I have behind speakers. Hopefully that’s adequate. The equilateral triangle is no problem. I’ll just pull the listening chair up a few feet. Thank you for the outside shoulder tip.
I e-mailed Kent. He confirmed that my room size is fine and the amp will work well with Quads.
I’ll take your Jack’s advice and have my wife sit in the sweet spot when she joins me. I loved his comment about how he wants to live out his remaining years. It sounds like you both have your priorities straight. Best of luck on your journey, musical and otherwise.