Parasound and Tekton Design teamed up for RMAF 2019. It just so happened that RMAF 2019 coincides with Parasound’s 38th anniversary. There aren’t many companies that can claim to have been in business for that many years, and the longevity speaks to the quality of their products.
This anniversary was also a great time to introduce the Parasound NewClassic 200 Integrated amplifier. Parasound’s NewClassic line was developed to bring a fresh interpretation to their classic designs plus “bang for the buck” performance. In the room photo above, the entire line of NewClassic components are the thinner black boxes on active display. A beauty shot of this new 200 Integrated is pictured below.

ParaSound’s Halo electronics were also on active display. These included the JC 2 BP, two-channel preamplifier with bypass, the JC 3 Jr., phono preamplifier, and the Halo HINT 6, an integrated amplifier, which was recently introduced. You can read our review of the HINT 6 here.

Tekton Designs
The multidriver loudspeakers in this room were the new Moabs from Tekton Designs in a beautiful blue. Although they may be a little large for some rooms, since we weren’t able to hear them in person, I can’t really comment. They certainly are an interesting design at a very economical introductory price of $4,500 per pair.
Also in the System
The source was an Oppo disc player (sorry, no model number was provided) and a BlueSound wireless streamer. Straight Wire cabling connected the components.
Although we weren’t there to hear this system, we have heard Parasound at multiple shows. We have heard reports about this room already, and it’s safe to say that Parasound and Tekton provided the honest, reliable sound both companies are known for at a truly remarkable budget-friendly price.