Even before T.H.E Show 2019 opened, we had a favorable impression of this year’s event. To start with, the Long Beach Airport is just so darn quaint and so conveniently located. Flying in there meant an easy transition from the plane to the hotel.
And, the Hilton Long Beach, a new venue for the show, was also a delight. We can’t say enough good things about the food and the staff. There were also plenty of walkable options for both food and sightseeing near the hotel. All in all, a very good choice!
Now on to some audio rooms that also impressed us.

TriangleArt and Muraudio Room
The combination of the TriangleArt source and electronics with the Muraudio electrostatic speakers continues to be a delight to listen to.

Scott Walker Audio’s Gryphon Audio Design and Magico Room
The Anaheim dealer, Scott Walker Audio, put this combination of Gryphon Audio gear with Magico speakers to produce one of the best soundstages I have ever heard in my life.

Sunny Components’ CH Precision and Stenheim Speaker Room
This was one of the rooms put together by Sunny Components, the Covina, CA dealer. As much as I liked the Stenheim ALUMINE THREE speakers when they debuted at AXPONA, they sounded even better to me with the CH Precision electronics.

Sunny Components’ Technics, Audience, EgglestonWorks, and Bryston Room
Another room put together by Sunny Components, this system of real-world priced gear from Technics, Audience, Eggleston Works, and Bryston made a great first impression.

Audiogen US’ Wavac Audio Lab and Tune Audio Room
It was so great to see Wavac back in the American market and the debut of the TA805m. Thank you to their importer, Audiogen, who imports them and Tune Audio. The sound in this room was everything I expect from their products.

Esoteric and Von Schweikert Room
The combination of Von Schweikert speakers and Esoteric electronics shows that their speakers, which have been paired with VAC for at least the last couple of years, sound equally good with exceptional transistor gear.

Common Wave Hi-Fi’s Nagra and Harbeth Room
This is one of several rooms sponsored by the downtown Los Angeles high-end dealer, Common Wave. The recently introduced Nagra electronics paired beautifully with the Harbeth speakers in this room.

Scott Walker Audio’s Bowers & Wilkins, McIntosh, Aurender and Synergistic Research Room
The sound of the big B&W’s with the McIntosh electronics was classic hi-end audio.

AGD Production
I wasn’t familiar with the AGD VIVACE GaNTube™ and Ocean Way Speakers, but the sound in their room was incredibly musical.

PranaFidelity Room
This was my first time to hear the PranaFidelity Vayu/fs speakers, and I continue to be impressed by the incredible sound this company is putting out. I plan to review their PranFidelity amp and preamp soon.

MBL North America Room
MBL showed their Corona line of smaller speakers and less expensive electronics. In this room, the sound was impressive, as I have come to expect from this company.
Note: A complete list of The Audio Beatnik’s coverage of T.H.E. Show 2019 is available here.