There were very few rooms at T.H.E. Show that didn’t have a turntable. Here are ten turntables that really caught my eye!

The Helius Designs Viridia is just the second turntable in the line for this British company. The Viridia features a double-wishbone suspension but adds a magnetic bearing, new platter mat and clamp, magnetically suspended motor, and a laser-controlled rotational servo.

The Acoustic Signature Ascona MK2 is intended to set a new milestone in turntable performance as the ultimate in a high mass turntable but still elegant and stylish.

PBN Vintage Direct Pro turntables begin with restored Denon and the Nippon Broadcasting Corporation (NHK) players and are put into a custom-finished base.

According to Tom Vu, founder and designer for TriAngle Art, the TriAngle Art Ultimate LE2 is, “The Ultimate LE II is a sincere reflection of our tireless dedication and endless love of music.”

The brand new entry-level TriAngle Hathor. A brand new entry to the TriangleArt’s line, the Hathor, built on the foundation of bigger TriangleArt turntables, was introduced this year at CES.

The TW-Acustic Raven GT II is a compact turntable that can run two tonearms without sonic compromise for a reasonable price. Plus, it fills the gap between the Raven One and the well-known Raven AC.

Technics Direct Drive SL-1000R has been called “the ultimate direct drive turntable.” It certainly carries on the long tradition of exceptional turntables from Technics.

Pear Audio Blue’s Kid Thomas turntable is their entry-level model. Reviews say it delivers sound and musical ability way beyond expectations for a table at this price range.

VPI 40th Anniversary Direct Drive celebrates VPI’s 40th anniversary and gave them an opportunity to take advantage of advances in direct drive motor technology, motion control and materials used. The limited-edition 40th-anniversary model includes wooden side panels and a Fatboy tonearm.

A vintage Well Tempered Labs turntable with a rare and legendary Dennesen tonearm proves that a turntable can continue to provide years of musical enjoyment.
Note: For a complete list of our coverage for T.H.E. Show 2019, click here.
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