Every show I share pictures of turntables that I think of as eye candy. At AXPONA, Becky suggested that I should also do speaker eye candy as there are always some beautiful and/or unusual speakers at any audio show. So, here’s my T.H.E. Show 2019 edition of Speaker Eye Candy.

Tune Audio’s Anima 3-way fully horn-loaded loudspeakers. They claim these are 109dB sensitive.

The very distinctive looking Alaia Audio Ekahi two-way stand-mounted loudspeaker.

The tiny but striking looking and big sounding Boenicke Audio W8 SE speakers from Switzerland.

By far and away, Magico speakers were in more rooms than any other brand. Here are the Magico M2 speakers making beautiful music.

I love the unique look of these speakers, also from a Swiss company; the Stenheim Alumine 3 speakers.

The beautiful red PranaFidlity Vayu/fs speakers were making equally wonderful music.

The Lumenwhite Kyara Speakers looked as good as they sounded.

This custom loudspeaker system from AER includes their BD2 driver in custom acrylic AER stands. The midrange in this system was as clear as the stands.

The Muraudio SP-1 electrostatic speakers are one of the most interesting speaker designs I have heard in a long time.

Another beautiful pair of red speakers; this time from EgglestonWorks. Their Emma EVOlution Speakers were making remarkable music for a real world price.
Note: To see our complete coverage of T.H.E. Show 2019, click here.