Fern & Roby Audio
The Ravens floorstander speakers anchored Fern & Roby Audio’s room with amplification from Linear Tube Audio, the MicroZOTL preamp and the ZOTL40 Reference Power Amplifier. Sources used were the Fern & Roby Tredegar Turntable with a Schroder Reference SQ Tonearm, a PH 9.0 Tube Phono Stage from ModWright Instruments and a Zephyr MIMC Star Cartridge from Soundsmith. Cables were from Black Cat Cable.

Wendell Dillard was showing their shockingly good new entry-level speaker the Magnepan LRS. They were being driven by a prototype entry-level Magnepan power amp.

Sonner Audio
Sonner Audio displayed their Legato Unum loudspeakers with their speaker stands. The source was the Abbingdon Music Research DP-777 Special Edition with the Luxman L-590AxII integrated amplifier. Cables were Ifi USB Mercury for digital and Nordost.

Stereo Haven
The DeVore Fidelity Orangutan O/93 loudspeakers were the eye candy in this room driven by a Leben 600 integrated amplifier. The source was the Well Tempered Lab Amadeus GT 254 turntable with a Dynavector 17DX cartridge, a Leben 30 Phono Stage and an Auditorium 23 Hommage T2 Stepup. Cables were from Auditorium 23 and power cords were from Riviera.

Tri-Art Audio
Tri-Art’s room contained products that they manufacture in Canada, and made from bamboo. The speakers were the B Series 5 Open Speakers, their B series TA-2 turntable and 9″ and 12″ tonearms, power from their B-Series 21677 24V DC Linear Supply and their cables.

GamuT Audio
GamuT Audio was using their Rs3i loudspeakers and their amplifiers with Aurender music server and DAC.

Spatial Audio/ModWright
Spatial Audio debuted their X3 Open-Baffle loudspeakers driven by a ModWright Ambrose 300B Tube-Integrated amplifier. The source was their PH9.0 Phono Stage with a Pure Fidelity Harmony turntable a MASTRO Power Supply, an Acoustic Signature TA-2000 tonearm and a KIESKI Purpleheart MC cartridge. All cables were by Anticables.

Linear Tube Audio
In another Linear Tube Audio (LTA) room, they were also using the new Spatial X3 loudspeaker in an vibrant red. The amplifier was the LTA ZOTL Ultralinear with their reference preamp. The source was an Innuos ZEN music server and a La Boce S3 Discrete DAC.

exaSound Audio Design
In the exaSound room, they had both a stereo and a 5-channel system. They used two Magnepan 3.7 i loudspeakers, and for the 5-channel system they had three Magnepan 3.7 i loudspeakers and two 1.7 i speakers. The power amplifier was a Parasound Halo A 51. They were also using the exaSound PlayPoint DM Dual-Mono DAC and Network Audio Server.

Raven Audio
Raven Audio was entering the speaker market with two new models, the Corvus Tower System and the smaller Celest Tower Speakers. They were also introducing Raven Audio network cables, the Soniquil. All of the amplification was by their beautiful tube products.