We were thrilled this week to see the official announcement for something brand new, the Pacific Audio Fest. It will be held just up the road from us in Seattle, WA on July 30 – August 1, 2021. Now, you certainly don’t need an excuse to visit Seattle, but if you did, this show would be a good one.
Location and Show Directors
According to the announcement, the venue, the DoubleTree Hilton – Seattle Airport offers spacious exhibit rooms. It also has two ballrooms, 800 sleeping rooms, and killer views of Seattle and Mt. Rainier from their 14th-floor restaurant and bar.
PAF show directors Lou Hinkley and Gary Gill have the industry experience to put together a first-rate show. From the looks of this venue, it should be a real treat. There’s every reason to believe this will become the Premier Pacific Coast Audio Show!
Hinkley founded Daedalus Audio in 1992 to manufacture high-quality speakers for both professional and home use. Well known in the audio community, he has exhibited in every type of festival and audio show for the past 30 years.
Gill is the guy behind Capital Audiofest, the East Coast’s premier consumer high-end audio show. We attended the Capital Show last year. We’re hoping the Pacific Audio Fest turns out to be the West Coast’s version of CAF. A fun, family-friendly show with cutting-edge technology, CAF is on our list as a “not to be missed” weekend, and we expect the same will be true for PAF.
For More Information
Yes, we know Pacific Audio Fest is almost a year away, but it’s time to start planning now. Here are some links to check out: