Al’s Audio reached out and offered to let me review a set of their Silver Series speaker and power cables. This brand is new to me, but Al Arbez started the business in 1997. It operates out of Medicine Hat, Canada. Predominantly, they seem to be a professional audio business. The Silver Series cables, however, appear to be a step into the audiophile world.
I’m always a sucker for tweaking my system’s sound via cables. The Silver Series actually uses a 10awg copper wire that is almost COAX by design. The silver part of the name comes from the silver used in the resonance plating technology.
Engineering and Technology
Unlike the simplicity of the Stager Silver Solid cables, Al’s Audio Silver Series cables use a bit more engineering and technology. The Silver Series uses flux guide technology, resonant coupling, resonant dispersion, and cryogenically cold-burns their cables in.
The detailed science behind the flux guide and resonant manipulations are beyond my layman’s understanding of electrical engineering. However, I did watch several videos on the natural lines of the flux concept. The exact details behind how compressing magnetic energy that is the result of sending current through a line with other magnets increases the slew rate is something I understand via the water hose analogy offered here in the Flux Guide paragraph on Al’s Audio website.
Be that as it may, the fact is, regardless of the science behind these cables, the sound is fantastic. Even if they were made out of catgut and unicorn hooves, I would still have greatly enjoyed the enhancement they brought to my systems.
Speaker Cables
The description on Al’s Audio website states that compressing the natural lines of flux results in “a very strident, bright signature”. They state that their resonance controlling technologies allow for “cleaner sound with a blacker background” with “unprecedented dynamics and clarity”. Based on my listening experience, I agree with all of these claims. Here’s the cumulative effect, you can hear a massive amount of detail. The sound is not only controlled, but it is also lively and exciting.
Engaging listening comes together when the music is presented in extreme detail while maintaining life and emotion. These speaker cables absolutely allowed each of my systems that I tested them in to shine with crystal clarity. They provided the most detail and controlled dynamics I have heard to date.
In fact, this crystal clarity and the amount of detail was so pronounced that when paired with my Mystere ia11 amplifier and Lowther PMA2 in Acousta 90 cabinets, I could hear the degrading decay of resonances and the peaky highs of the rhythm of the music. The sound eased in and out. I could hear how non-linear the EL34 tubes truly are. This wasn’t just in the overall frequency graph. It was in how the tubes’ sound influences each peak and valley of the music.
Being able to hear the influences of the tubes’ sound was especially true when compared to the CRISPIN class-D amplifier from Orchard Audio. While an older design from Leo Ayzenshtat, Jack is right to say that Orchard Audio “is doing something very right with the sound of Class-D amps”. The linear and detailed sound of this entry-level amplifier sounded much clearer via the Silver Series cables. I think Al’s Audio is also doing something very right with speaker cables.
Power Cables
Al’s Audio also sent me a power cable for review. I was very impressed with the Vermouth Reference AC power cable (reviewed here), which uses a series of OC copper strands with different diameters. So, I wanted to find out if Al’s Silver Series cable with its silver technology was going to be able to get one up on the Vermouth cable. And while the Silver Series power cable, which uses all of the same technologies as the speaker cables, was very impressive, it didn’t one-up the Vermouth cable. Interestingly, they were on par with each other, but they offered different nuances to the sonic signatures of my system.
I started with the Vermouth in the amp and the Al’s Audio cable in the pre-amp. This was a good combination. The sound from the Burson HA-1 and then into the amplifiers seemed a bit more powerful. When swapped, the sound retained a slightly more exciting edge to it. The Al’s Audio Silver Series offered a bit more control of the low end. The Vermouth, however, offered a bit more depth to the bass. Both allowed the sound stage to grow or shrink based on the recording, and the dynamics were engaging.
As far as the blackness of the soundstage from the amplifier, Al’s Audio Silver Series cables were a tad quieter and the dynamics were a bit snappier. I would be happy to live with either of these cables in my system. Both give slightly different versions of what a power cable should do, offer good solid power while trying to reduce noise in the line.
Final Thoughts
With Al’s Audio cables, my system produced the most detailed and lively sounds I have yet to hear from it. I wanted to keep a pair of speaker cables, and I am sad that I wasn’t able to review a set of interconnects. Given the cost of the cables versus the size of my pocketbook, I could not afford to purchase a pair at this time, but I miss them already.
The stiffness of the cables was the one drawback I had. They are probably the most difficult cables I have had to position in my small room. I was able, however, to manage them in the end. I have read that cables can be bent into position without damage, but I didn’t want to risk it. Having more space to curve the cables into position would have been nice. I consider myself lucky. I have a little 10x12ft room in my house that is set aside for audio listening.
The price point puts them into the serious audiophile world, at least for my budget. But, if you crave detail, dynamics, and liveliness in your music, you must try these in your system. Here’s the final word, if you can lay your hands on these cables, get them into your system, and listen. They are absolutely worth your time.
Price (listed in Canadian Dollars):
Power Cables (from $1,650/4 ft. to $3,450/14 ft.
Speaker Cables (from $3,200 to $6,800)